Face The Core

Prep smart for the Core exam
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FaceTheCore.com is a question bank for Radiology residents preparing for the ABR Core Exam. These modules are brought to you by the same people who conducted the well known Face the Case Courses in the Pre-Core Exam era. Face the Case was started in 2009 by Shailendra Chopra, MD, MRCP, FRCR, who is the owner of this site and now the Course Director for Face the Core. Although the faculty are connected to various teaching institutions, Face the Core is not affiliated with any particular institution

Face the Core was first conducted as a series of live webinars with MCQ's in 2013 and then again in 2014, and 2015. In 2016, that material was turned into an MCQ bank accompanied by videos. It has grown considerably in material and faculty since its inception. Face the Core has been designed specifically to strengthen your core knowledge of Radiology. The emphasis is on giving you the ability to make a diagnosis of high yield cases and develop an instinctive feel for what is important to know. The residents who have used Face the Core have expressedappreciation of how much they had learned from it and how close the experience was to the real exam.

We are constantly improving upon our material. Keep an eye out. Or better still Sign Up for free and join the mailing list so that we can keep you informed about all the exciting developments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at registration@facethecore.com